One idea we've been toying with is the concept of a 'chapter editor' where readers/players can press pause, make adjustments/explore the way the scene has been put together, and then press play again. In this extract from Episode 5, the bare bones of how this might work are highlighted.
Use the button in the top right to pause the episode, arrow keys to move around, hold right mouse button and pan to 'look around' and left-click/drag on objects to move them. Press the top right button again to resume the episode from the POV of the 'game camera'. View full screen here
Potentials to expand: integration with Episode 5 across all chapters, so you can pause/re-arrange anything (including the games). Move, scale and rotate handles on objects for far better control of them. All text fields could become editable and images possible to swap out/change. Attached variables in scripts could become exposed to modify. Potential to 'save' remixes of episodes by connecting to a database.